Sober Living Housing

First Step Recovery Center

Addiction Medicine & Substance Abuse Treatment located in Reynoldsburg, Marion, Lancaster, Columbus and Cleveland, OH

When you don’t have a stable environment awaiting you after completing inpatient rehab, you can benefit from the sober living housing services available at First Step Recovery Center. The addiction counseling team provides resources to help you find sober living housing, so you have somewhere safe to live. This transitional housing gives you access to 12-step programs and peer support to keep you on the path to sobriety. Call one of the offices in Reynoldsburg, Marion, Lancaster, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, to schedule a consultation, or book an appointment online to learn more about the benefits of sober living housing.

Sober Living Housing Q & A

What is sober living housing?

Sober living housing is an option for continued recovery after you complete treatment in a residential treatment facility.

A sober living house is a group home that serves as a transitional resource between a closely monitored facility and the freedom of the real world. This transitional living helps you ease back into the responsibilities of daily life among others who are also in recovery.

Moving into sober living housing keeps many people on track with their sobriety. Sober living can also reduce your risk factors for relapse when you return to locations, people, and habits that were a part of your addiction.

Why should I consider sober living housing?

The team at First Step Recovery Center encourages people completing their inpatient recovery program in Columbus, Ohio, to transition into sober living housing.

You should consider this move if you have concerns about how you’ll move forward once you no longer have the structure and routine of a residential facility.

Sober living provides a safe, judgment-free zone where you can learn to rebuild your life with the support of trained counselors and your peers in recovery.

What can I expect from sober living housing?

When you’re in a residential treatment program, you stay engaged in the rehabilitation program and are typically under monitoring that doesn’t provide much independence.

When you transition into sober living housing, you don’t have the same kind of monitoring and can expect to leave the house and come back as you please. While there is much more freedom in sober living, you still must follow house rules, such as abiding by curfew requirements and attending group meetings.

You also get access to continued recovery resources, including 12-step programs, accountability for your actions, and a daily structure that helps you ease back into life outside of treatment.

Your peers in sober living housing also are a beneficial part of sober living housing. Together, you all create friendships and fellowship that keep you alcohol- and drug-free. You also have the support of your peers in recovery when you feel overwhelmed by life outside of the treatment facility.

To learn how you can benefit from sober living housing, call the First Step Recovery Center office nearest you or book an appointment online today.