Addiction Counseling

First Step Recovery Center

Addiction Medicine & Substance Abuse Treatment located in Reynoldsburg, Marion, Lancaster, Columbus and Cleveland, OH

Addiction counseling is as vital to your recovery as your detox. The great value of therapy is that it turns your detox into holistic care, so you can identify and deal with the mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges that led to your addiction. The experienced team at First Step Recovery Center offers patient-oriented addiction counseling at their five offices in Reynoldsburg, Marion, Lancaster, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio. If you have questions or need to schedule a consultation, call the nearest location or use the online booking feature today.

Addiction Counseling Q & A

Why do I need addiction counseling?

Addictions magnify your existing problems and create new ones. Whether you face mental health, emotional, or behavioral challenges, your physical detox doesn’t suddenly make them disappear. You need addiction counseling to identify and deal with these issues.

With counseling at the heart of your recovery, you can heal from the past, break old habits, and learn the coping skills you need to move forward into a fulfilling life.

Without counseling, the same challenges persist and become the triggers that make you relapse into your addiction. That’s why the team at First Step Recovery Center provides medically assisted treatment, combining your medical detox with addiction counseling.

What should I expect during addiction counseling?

During your treatment, you participate in individual and group therapy. Group therapy lets you see how others with addiction face their challenges. You also gain a group of supportive people who understand the intense challenges you face.

Individual therapy gives you and your counselor time to explore your feelings and identify why you turn to drugs or alcohol. 

Addiction counseling deals with anything you need to overcome, ranging from stress, difficulty sleeping, and dealing with anger, to problems with personal, family, social, and work relationships.

Through one-on-one counseling, you begin to understand the behavioral issues that are unique to your life and learn the specific coping skills to overcome all of your challenges. Your therapist also helps you create a plan for preventing a relapse.

What type of addiction counseling might I receive?

The team at First Step Recovery Center uses many types of therapy to support your recovery. They choose the approach that works best for your personality and mental health needs. 

These are two examples of therapies they frequently use:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you identify and change harmful thoughts and beliefs. As you learn to identify damaging thought patterns, you also explore different ways to respond and cope, so you don’t repeat the same problems that led to your addiction.

Motivational interviewing (motivational enhancement therapy)

Motivational interviewing is all about helping you overcome your internal struggle over whether you truly want to enter an addiction program and fight your addiction. This therapy can build the motivation you need to change your self-destructive behaviors.

To explore how addiction counseling can help you, call First Step Recovery Center or book an appointment online today.