Medication Management
First Step Recovery Center
Addiction Medicine & Substance Abuse Treatment located in Reynoldsburg, Marion, Lancaster, Columbus and Cleveland, OH
The discomfort of detox is what deters many people from seeking recovery from addiction. At First Step Recovery Center, with offices in Columbus, Reynoldsburg, Marion, Lancaster and Cleveland Ohio, the addiction specialists offer comprehensive medication management services to help you get through a detox program with fewer withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Learn how you can benefit from medication management by calling the First Step Recovery Center office nearest you or booking a consultation online today.
Medication Management Q & A
What is medication management?
Medication management describes services that help you detox from an addiction to prescription medications. The withdrawal effects you experience during the detox process can be severe, affecting both your physical and mental health.
The team at First Step Recovery Center offers medication management to reduce your discomfort during detox and support your recovery from addiction. They can also assess the medications you must take for chronic pain and underlying medical conditions to reduce your risk factors for further misuse or abuse of opioids and other prescription medications.
Why would I need medication management services?
Medications like opioids bind to the receptors in your brain, blocking pain sensations and increasing your levels of neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters play a role in feelings of pleasure, memory, and motivation.
Regular use of certain medications can stop your brain from producing natural chemical messages, which leads to a physical and psychological dependence on the drug. When you’re no longer taking the medication, it can cause significant cravings and withdrawal symptoms that make recovery more difficult.
When you’re misusing prescription medicines, you’re not only at risk for addiction, but you’re also more likely to use illicit drugs. You can also develop long-term health complications and premature death, especially if you overdose.
How does medication management work during recovery?
During your detox at First Step Recovery Center, the team can prescribe the appropriate medication and dosage to help you through the program. This might include medications like Suboxone®, which helps reduce your withdrawal symptoms and cravings for opioids.
The providers also evaluate any medications you’re taking for other health conditions like chronic pain, depression, and anxiety to ensure you’re taking the right ones at the right dosage. They ensure your use of these medications won’t interfere with your long-term recovery.
You can also expect to participate in recovery programs like individual and group counseling after you complete your detox. These treatments help you stay on track with your recovery and reduce your risk for relapse.
To find out how medication management can benefit your recovery, call the First Step Recovery Center office nearest you or book a consultation online today.
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